Integrated Justice Information Sharing System
All Your Data — Anywhere You Want It
ID Share Topics
Product Highlights
Our IJIS system provides you with significant advantages over traditional data sharing techniques especially ones that require all agencies to use the same software. With our IJIS approach, you keep all of your existing systems in place and simply forward an XML copy of all transactions to the IJIS Data Archive. Data is then processed in real-time or batch mode via the IJIS Universal Import components. Your data is validated, standardized, and updated to the Centralized IJIS Data Archive for immediate access. Compliance with NCIC, ANSI/NIST and the FBI provide you with an enhanced data warehouse, without affecting any existing information flow.
- XML Data Import Transactions
- Online Browser Access
- Robust Data Archives
- Photo Archives
- Fingerprint Archives
- Embedded Email
- Global Index Server
- Central System Administration
- Remote Agency Administration
- Fingerprint Authentication
Sample Screen Shots
Here are some sample screen shots of just a few of our favorite features in our IJIS system.